Saturday, July 12, 2014

Hate everywhere I look

For the past few weeks I've been seen all the hate people has, it's everywhere, in the way people react to news, online in people's Facebook walls, just everywhere.

The way people judge others is really scary and sad, everything that is different is a real treat to them, and it's really not like that, just add some controversial subject and people will vomit plain hate. Many will get behind their believes, their religion and the way their parent told them about life, regardless of why they think like that is evident that change is a real scary thing for them. 

I see people fighting over silly things all the time, they put just way too much energy about subjects that are not even affecting them directly, and also overreacting with the ones that would affect them, everything is a bad instead of a good. 

Humanity just lost it's way, we are a race of hate, many will base that on their freedom of speech, and yes you have the freedom of speech but that doesn't mean it's ok to bully and hate someone just because has a different view, color, race, gender, way of life, legal status, made a mistake, economical situation, love preferences, has a bigger size, smaller size, etc, etc... 

I could give thousands of examples, but that would only create more hate and bring it here, I try my best to accept people the way they are, even if they are assholes. Hating others only brings bad energies to my own self, and for that reason I refuse to become the hateful person they are.